Monday, June 9, 2008

The Children of the Heart

Author(s): Hugo (Spain)
The Children of the Heart

Directed & Written by Deepa Mehta
Cinematography by Luc Montpellier
Editing by Dylan Tichenor
Music by Justine Baddeley
Original Song “The Valley of Pain” by Regina Spektor

Main Cast

Edward Norton … Keith Burns
Holly Marie Combs … Lily Burns
Sissy Spacek ... Marie

Tagline: “Hope feeds our lifes no matter how hungry they are”

Synopsis: Keith and Lily are a young couple who have recently lost their six years old son, Christian. Christian had a strange disease in his heart, with apparently no cure. There were nothing doctors could do for him. He died. Lily suffered from a huge depression. Despair had taken possession of her. After a couple of months, Keith convinces his wife that they were going no way feeling like that and that they should do something. Both decide to found a special camp for children with the same disease Christian’s had. They’d call it: Christian’s Hope.

The first month they welcome four kids. With the help of Lily’s mother, Marie, they do their best to bring up those children. Innovative therapies, special treatments... Of course they play with them and make them feel comfortable there. Bad news come when, two months later a child dies. They get to taste that sour feeling of impotence. Time goes on and new children arrive but none of them gets to stay more than a year with them. Lily gets pregnant again. After nine months she gives birth to Rachel. Rachel is diagnosed the same disease Christian’s had. And it’s discovered that it is a genetic issue. Anyway Keith and Lily continue with the camp.

After lots of sour moments and hard times, they discover a new treatment that could work. Months go by and any children die. It may be casualty, a matter of time or that the treatment finally worked. Anyway, hope came back to their hearts. Maybe they could save their daughter’s and the other children’s life. Lily saw the light again.

What the press would say?

“Hope connects us all at the end of the day” – Marketa Irglova.

The plot and main story of the film may give the impression of a very dramatic picture. Not at all. This film with its great performances show us how hope moves mountains. Directed and written by Hindi director Deepa Mehta, this movie keeps the tone of its creator. Slow, yet not boring, defined story line, great performances and a beautiful background. The story is clear, simple and moving. The performances are powerful.

Holly Marie Combs leaving behind TV, is a scene stealer. Subtle performance. She portraits a caring mother who lost her children. One of the most moving performances this year. Edward Norton portraits her husband, a man who’s seeing his family falling. He tries to make his wife channel all those feelings and do something for people with the same problem, incredible performance. Sissy Spaceck stars as Lily’s mother, a woman who sees her daughter consuming and will do anything for her. She joins the team and helps at the camp. All great performances that give the film brilliantness. With an indie sprit to it, you should love this one.

For Your Consideration

Best Picture
Best Director – Deepa Mehta
Best Original Screenplay – Deepa Mehta
Best Lead Actor – Edward Norton
Best Lead Actress – Holly Marie Combs
Best Supporting Actress – Sissy Spaceck
Best Original Song “The Valley of Pain” – Regina Spektor

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